Author Archive
25 Sep 2018
మనదైన చరిత్ర
By Mahendra On 25 September 2018 In Uncategorized
అలెక్జాండర్ విశ్వవిజేత కాదు, మన రాజు పురుషోత్తముడి చేతిలో ఓడిపోయాడు” (దీనికి ఆధారాలు ఈ వ్యాసంలో ఉన్నాయి, చదవగలరు) విజయగాథల మీద ఆధారపడి నిర్మితమైన సంస్కృతి అసాధారణ ఫలితాలనిస్తుంది, అది మహోన్నత చరిత్రను సృష్టిస్తుంది. అయితే నేటి విద్యార్థులకు మనం ఎలాంటి చరిత్రను చెబుతున్నాం. మనదైన చరిత్రపై వారికి అవగాహన లేదు.
9 Aug 2017
How to arrange chess board and pieces
By Mahendra On 9 August 2017 In Uncategorized
Today we are going to discuss about chess board placement and how you can arrange the pieces in the chess board. first and foremost thing in the chess board arrangement is first you need to understand how
20 Jul 2017
How I reduced my Sinusitis problem with Pranayamam
Today I wanted to bring one topic in front of our blog readers. It is about sinusitis the problem which I was facing from my childhood. I have this problem at the age of 8 years and
17 Jul 2017
How you will get benefited from Loud reading
When it comes to reading, understanding what you hear comes before understanding what you read. To be able to speak, read or write a word, you must first hear the word. A child spends 900 hours in
19 Jun 2017
International day of Yoga
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA. It has been celebrated all over the world on 21st June every year. This year too, it is a very proud moment to all Indians because one thought or one practice of India become
12 Jun 2017
Time management while writing the exam
EXAMS are now common for every next stage so need to write in a smarter way For every bold exam, there could be only 3 hours to write many students will worry about how to manage time
11 Jun 2017
E-waste and collection centers in Bangalore
Electronic waste may be defined as discarded computers, its appliances, office electrEonic equipment, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, television sets, and refrigerators.
25 May 2017
How to get good vision and health for your Eyes with Tratak exercise
Tratak is Sanskrit word which means to look or to gaze continuously. It’s been practicing in India from long back it is a part of hata yoga To attain good vision, to get control over mind and
23 May 2017
Top 10 engineering colleges in Bangalore
The discipline of engineering is extremely broad and encompasses a range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific on particular areas of applied science, technology and types of application. Bangalore become the IT hub for industries so
22 May 2017
how to make a day time table for students
A day time table for students What is necessary of the time table? You know a day have 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86,400 seconds and 8, 64, 00,000 milliseconds! A mayfly an insect that has a lifespan