How to arrange chess board and pieces

Today we are going to discuss about chess board placement and how you can arrange the pieces in the chess board.
first and foremost thing in the chess board arrangement is first you need to understand how many squares will be there in chess board.

Number of Squares in chessboard:

Eight squares will be there horizontally and eight squares will be there vertically total all together 64 squares.

First and important rule:

The first thing which we need to learn is how you can arrange the chess board.
when you arrange the chessboard white block should come on your right hand side for both black and white pieces. This is the utmost important step and primary rule.

so white pieces person should have White block on his right hand side and the same way black pieces person should have White block on his right hand side.

Chess board Pieces and its names:

  1. King
  2. Queen
  3. Bishop – 2 numbers
  4. Knight – 2 numbers – one in black square and another in while initially
  5. Rook – 2 numbers – one in black square and another in while initially
  6. Soldiers


No one can kill King. You can only capture him. If he do not have place to move then this situation is called checkmate. If you do a checkmate to opponent then you will win.

King can only move only one step in any direction horizontally, vertically and diagonally if there are no obstructions


Queen can move multiple squares in any direction horizontally, vertically and diagonally  if there are no obstructions.

Qualities of the Knight and bishop are included in the Queen.


Each player will have 2 bishops in the chess board. One in white bishop and another one is black bishop.

Specialty of the bishops is white bishop can not come to black squares and vice versa.

I always traverse diagonally it can not go horizontally or vertically



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